PetNest is a place for the forgotten dogs and cats left in Kalna, a village on the Serbian countryside in the heart of Stara planina, the “Old mountain”, meeting the horrible and sad destiny of deserted pets. Some of them were born here in the villages of Stara planina, but most of them were carelessly dropped in a paper box to meet a cruel death.

We want to make a difference! Because we believe that this is a step towards a better society.
We know that the way people treat animals and their natural environment only reflects what is in their hearts, projecting the relationship between citizens and the world surrounding them. Most important, changing people’s behavior towards the weak and exposed – animals, the environment, the poor, those in need – changes their attitudes and values permanently, improving and progressing the society on the long run. Making the world a better place for everyone.
Let’s make this a better place for all of us!